Career Info for Law Enforcement Degrees

Correctional Officer Degrees: Associate, Bachelor & Online Training Info

What will you learn in a correctional science undergraduate degree program? Read about program requirements, the pros and cons of an associate's and bachelor's degree and potential careers.

CSI Degrees: Bachelor's, Associate & Online Training Info

What will you learn in a crime scene investigation (CSI) program? Read about degree requirements, the pros and cons of bachelor's and associate's degrees, and potential careers.

Forensic Medicine Degrees: Master's, PhD & Online Course Info

Master's and PhD degree programs in forensic medicine can lead to careers as forensic scientists, DNA analysts and toxicologists. Get the truth about requirements, courses and career options, as well as find out what you can do with your degree.

Forensic Science Degrees: Bachelor, Associate & Online Training Info

What kind of job can you get with a degree in forensic science? Find out degree program requirements, online options and info on courses and forensic science training programs.

Policing & Investigation Degrees: Bachelor, Associate & Online Info

What will you learn in a policing and investigation program? Read about program requirements, the pros and cons of associate and bachelor's degrees and potential careers.

Study Criminal Justice: Master's Degree, PhD & Online Course Info

Master's degrees and Ph.D.s in criminal justice can lead to careers in administration, academia or research. Get the truth about the requirements, courses and career options, and find out what you can do with your criminal justice degree.

Study Policing & Investigation: Master's Degree & Online Course Info

What kind of job can you get with a master's degree or courses in policing and investigation? Find out program requirements, online options and info on courses and law enforcement master's degrees and training.

Featured Schools

Grand Canyon University

  • M.S in Forensic Science
  • B.S. in Homeland Security and Emergency Management

What is your highest level of education?

UMass Global

  • BA in Criminal Justice

Which subject are you interested in?

National University

  • DCJ - Policing
  • Doctor of Criminal Justice
  • MSOL - Criminal Justice
  • MEd - School Safety, Security and Emergency Management

What is your highest level of education?

Purdue Global

  • MS in Homeland Security and Emergency Management
  • BS in Criminal Justice - Business Fundamentals
  • Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice

Which subject are you interested in?

Colorado Christian University

  • Criminal Justice, M.S.
  • Criminal Justice, M.S. - Campus, Event, and Organizational Safety
  • Criminal Justice, B.S.

What is your highest level of education completed?

University of Maryland Global Campus