Computer Programming

Business Computer Programming: Career Diploma Description

Earning a diploma in business computer programming will help you in obtaining an entry-level position as a jr. programmer, systems analyst or programmer analyst. Read the following article to find out more.

Computer Applications Specialist: Career Diploma Programs

As a computer applications specialist your job will be to help people who work for your organization find their way through difficulties related to the software applications and hardware used in the workplace. This article offers information...

Computer Programming: Diploma Coursework Summary

Earn a Career Diploma in Computer Programming to begin your career as a software developer, web designer, or computer support technician. While earning this diploma, you'll have the opportunity to take classes in object-oriented programming...

Computer Software Applications: Diploma Summary

If you have contemplated a career in office administration, web development, or computer support, then perhaps you'd benefit from earning a Diploma in Computer Software Applications. Coursework in word processing, spreadsheet software,...

Computerized Accounting: Career Diploma, Associate & Online Degrees

What will you learn in a computerized accounting degree program? Read about degree requirements, the pros and cons of a diploma and associate degree and potential careers.

Oracle Database Administrator: Diploma Program Description

An Oracle Database Administrator (DBA) Diploma program is a great opportunity for information technology professionals wishing to obtain more knowledge and a greater skill set to become database administrators. Students in a DBA program will be...

Programmer Analyst: Career Diploma Description

By earning your degree as a Programmer Analyst, you will be responsible for designing and updating software and systems that run computers for your employer or clients, depending on if you are a salaried employee or a self-employed consultant. ...

Programming in BASIC: Diploma Coursework Description

By choosing to enroll in a Programming in BASIC diploma program, you will learn how to write, debug and maintain computer programs for your personal benefit, an employer or both. Many programs will also prepare you for the Certification of...

Featured Schools

Colorado Christian University

  • Cyber Security, M.S.
  • Computer Information Technology, B.S.
  • Computer Information Technology - Database Management, B.S.

What is your highest level of education completed?

Purdue Global

  • MS in IT - Enterprise Architecture Systems
  • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
  • Associate of Applied Science in Information Technology
  • Professional Focus + Google IT Support Certificate

Which subject are you interested in?

National University

  • DBA - Information Technology
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Data Science
  • Master of Science in Information Technology
  • MSIT - Cloud and Networking Infrastructure Management

What is your highest level of education?

Grand Canyon University

  • D.B.A. with an Emphasis in Data Analytics - Qualitative Research
  • M.S. in Information Technology
  • B.S. in Information Technology

What is your highest level of education?

Full Sail University

  • Game Design Masters - Campus
  • Cybersecurity Bachelors - Campus
  • Computer Science Bachelors with AI Concentration - Online

What is your highest level of education?

Liberty University

  • DBA: Information Systems
  • MAT: Computer Science Education 6-12 (36 Hours)
  • MAT: Computer Science Education 6-12 (45 Hours)

What is your highest level of education?

Universal Technical Institute

  • Robotics and Automation Technology

What is your highest level of education completed?