Algebra 2: Coursework Description

About this article
Algebra 2 is a necessary course you will have to complete in order to be prepared for the GED exam. This course will help you understand additional topics in Algebra by building on what you learned in Algebra 1 and how to use them to solve problems. Read more about Algebra 2 coursework below.
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What is the coursework for Algebra 2?

The coursework for Algebra 2 will be a continuation of work completed in Algebra 1. It is a high school course in math. It takes the basic concepts in algebra learned in Algebra 1 and expands on them. Students will take the skills learned in Algebra 1 and use them to learn additional skills in Algebra 2.

Reasons to complete Algebra 2 Coursework

Those who want to earn their GED will have to complete this course in order to be prepared for questions that may appear on the GED exam. Learning about mathematical theories and practices can also improve critical thinking and problem solving abilities. In addition, taking advance math courses in high school will go a long way to helping a student succeed if they chose to go on to college.

Career Information

Salary Information

While it is unknown how much people can expect to earn by having knowledge of algebra, according to the National Center on Secondary Education and Transition,, those who have a high school diploma or GED can expect to earn at least $9,000 more annually than those who do not.

Economic Outlook and Growth for those who complete Algebra 2 Coursework

The outlook is good for those who complete this coursework and other coursework in order to receive their GED. Many students will go on to college or find jobs that pay a higher salary.

Degree Specifics

Required Courses

Algebra 2 will explore further the relationships between numbers, shapes, and measuring distances. Topics that will be covered include:

  • Rational expressions
  • Quadratic equations
  • Logarithms

Skills Obtained

The skills obtained from completing Algebra 2 coursework will give students a better understanding of how numbers work and the relationships that can be used in more advanced math and science classes. Students will learn about theories as well as the practical uses for algebra.

Popular Schools

  • Online Programs Available
    1. Grand Canyon University

    Program Options

      • D.B.A. with an Emphasis in Data Analytics - Qualitative Research
      • D.B.A. with an Emphasis in Data Analytics - Quantitative Research
      • D.B.A. with an Emphasis in Management - Qualitative Research
      • D.B.A. with an Emphasis in Management - Quantitative Research
      • Bridge (D.B.A. with an Emphasis in Data Analytics - Qualitative)
      • Bridge (D.B.A. with an Emphasis in Data Analytics - Quantitative)
      • M.S. in Data Science
      • M.S. in Data Science (Bridge)
  • Online Programs Available
    2. UMass Global

    Program Options

      • MS in GIS & Data Analytics
  • Online Programs Available
    3. National University

    Program Options

      • PhD-TIM - Data Science
      • MSTM - Data Science Management
  • Stanford, CA

    Stanford University

  • Online Programs Available
    5. Purdue Global

    Program Options

      • MS in IT - Data Analytics
      • MS in Cybersecurity Management - Data Analytics
  • Cambridge, MA

    Harvard University

  • Philadelphia, PA

    University of Pennsylvania

  • Durham, NC

    Duke University

Featured Schools

Grand Canyon University

  • D.B.A. with an Emphasis in Data Analytics - Qualitative Research
  • D.B.A. with an Emphasis in Data Analytics - Quantitative Research
  • M.S. in Data Science
  • M.S. in Data Science (Bridge)

What is your highest level of education?

UMass Global

  • MS in GIS & Data Analytics

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National University

  • PhD-TIM - Data Science
  • MSTM - Data Science Management

What is your highest level of education?

Purdue Global

  • MS in IT - Data Analytics
  • MS in Cybersecurity Management - Data Analytics

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