Cosmetology Instructor: Associate, Training & Online Degree Info

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What kind of job can you get with an associate's degree in cosmetology instruction? Find out degree program requirements, online options and info on courses and cosmetology instructor training programs.
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Studying to Become a Cosmetology Instructor: Degrees and Training at a Glance

An associate's degree in cosmetology instruction prepares students to work in entry-level instructional positions in cosmetology schools, vocational trade schools and community colleges. Before you can become a cosmetology instructor, you must become a licensed cosmetologist. There are non-degree programs that provide you with the required training in less time and money than a degree program, but by earning a degree you demonstrate your commitment to the field and may have the potential for higher earnings, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

The cosmetology industry is consistent. According to the BLS, job growth in this field is expected to increase 14% between 2010 and 2020, which is just about average.

Associate's in Cosmetology with Added Instructor Certification Associate's in Cosmetology Instruction
Who is this degree for? Individuals who want a cosmetology license and want to teach students in the field of cosmetology Licensed cosmetologists who have work experience and want to become a licensed cosmetology instructors
Common Career Paths (with approximate median annual salary) - Cosmetologist ($23,000)*
- Cosmetology instructor ($35,000)**
- Cosmetology Instructor ($35,000)**
- Vocational training instructor ($44,000)**
Time to Completion 2 years full-time (not including the 1-3 years of work experience required for licensing, which differs by state) 1-2 years full time
Common Graduation Requirements - Passing scores on the theory and practical final exams given by the school
- Training hours required to qualify to take the state board exam
- Training hours required to qualify to take the state board exam
Prerequisites High school diploma or GED Have a valid cosmetology license and salon work experience (varies with each state can range anywhere from 1-3 years)
Online Availability NoNo

Source: *U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (May 2011 figures), ** (June 2012 figures).

Associate's in Cosmetology with Added Instructor Certification

The Associate of Applied Science in Cosmetology degree program is structured so that you can complete the required training to qualify to take the state board exam in cosmetology and earn an associate's degree at the same time. In addition, you can complete a cosmetology instructor certificate program to gain the necessary training to take the cosmetology instructor licensing exam.

Pros and Cons


  • Gain skills in both cosmetology and cosmetology instruction and may be able to work as an instructor while working as a cosmetologist
  • Some credits from an AAS degree may transfer into a bachelor's degree program, if you want to continue your education
  • Get the training and skills needed to become a cosmetologist and to teach others who want to work in the industry
  • Satisfaction of helping others achieve their goal of becoming a licensed cosmetologist


  • Cosmetology programs may require extra fees in addition to tuition, including the purchase of your own cosmetology supplies
  • You need licenses to become a cosmetologist and to become a cosmetology instructor
  • Most employers prefer hiring instructors with many years of real-world experience working as a cosmetologist
  • Must be comfortable speaking in public and giving instructions

Courses and Requirements

The course requirements for the associate's degree program with the added instructor certification are completed in two parts. First, you complete your associate's degree in cosmetology. This includes completing general education requirements in addition to cosmetology courses. After you have completed your cosmetology training and education, you'll go on to earn a certificate in cosmetology instruction.

Examples of courses you will take for your associate's degree with a cosmetology instructor certification include:

  • Fundamentals of skin care
  • Hair care and treatments
  • Nail care
  • Hair cutting
  • Classroom management
  • Teaching methods for clinical and theoretical operation
  • Testing and evaluating students

Online Degree Options

At this time, you don't have the option of completing an associate's in cosmetology with the added instructor certification completely online. Most of your classes require hands-on practice. However, you may have the option of completing a few of the general educational courses online.

Stand Out with This Degree

While in school, take advantage of all the practice opportunities you have in cosmetology and cosmetology instruction. Some schools have their own salons that allow unlicensed students to cut hair and style nails under the supervision of an instructor. You may also want to get a job in a salon and develop your technical and customer service skills, which are important parts of this profession.

Associate's in Cosmetology Instruction

The associate's degree program in cosmetology instruction prepares students to teach the latest techniques of hair cutting, perming, styling, skin care, facials and more. In order to be considered for most cosmetology instruction programs, you must be a licensed cosmetologist with some experience working in the field. The experience varies with each state but it can range anywhere from one to three years.

Pros and Cons


  • Some credits from an AAS degree program may be transferable to a bachelor's degree program, if you want to continue your education
  • Get the training and skills needed to successfully teach others who want to work in the industry
  • Have a fulfilling career helping others achieve their goal of becoming a licensed cosmetologist


  • Must have a valid cosmetology license and a few years of experience working in a salon
  • Most employers prefer hiring instructors with many years of real-world work experience
  • You can become a cosmetology instructor with just a certificate

Courses and Requirements

The course requirements for the associate's in cosmetology instruction program differ slightly from the associate's in cosmetology program with the instructor certification. To enroll in an associate's in cosmetology instruction, you must have a valid cosmetology license and some experience working in the field. Once accepted into the program, students are taught in the areas of classroom management, state regulations, teaching methods and preparing coursework.

Online Degree Options

Although there aren't any online associate's degree programs in cosmetology instruction, there are a few online continuing education programs for cosmetology instructors. In order to renew a cosmetology license in some states, you'll need these continuing education courses. Make sure that any online program you enroll in meets your state's licensing and regulations standards for cosmetology instruction.

Stand Out with This Degree

Consider enrolling in a few business courses while studying to become a cosmetology instructor. Many instructors work as independent contractors offering their services to not only schools, but salons and other private clients in the industry. Doing so will help you develop important business skills in money management, bookkeeping and marketing.

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