Earning Your High School Diploma - Idaho

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Ideally located in the Pacific Northwest, Idaho is the perfect place to get your high school diploma. The state continually improves the educational system through reforms and programs. Be part of Idaho's graduating classes by reading this article and learning the requirements for gradation.
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Idaho offers its students a great learning atmosphere surrounded by the state's beautiful small-town feeling. Some of the Department of Education's goals are to increase student access to all six essential content areas - math, science, language arts, humanities, health and wellness, and social studies. The department also wants to increase overall student achievement level and rate of student academic growth and social readiness, technical capability and global perspective.

Idaho has 17.8 students per teacher, as compared to the national average of 15.9 students. On a brighter note, of those people older than 25 years of age in 2003, 88.2 percent had high school diplomas, compared to the national norm of 82.8 percent.

Idaho believes in the importance of a challenging and rewarding high school curriculum. The following requirements are the minimum needed to attain your diploma:

  • Four credits English/Language Arts
  • Three credits social studies
  • Two credits mathematics
  • Two credits science
  • 0.5 credit physical education
  • 0.5 credit fine arts
  • Varying elective credits (to be determined by your counselor)

High school graduates receiving scores of three, four or five on Advanced Placement Examinations may be granted college credit in the appropriate subjects. AP courses cannot usually be used to satisfy Liberal Arts Core curriculum requirements unless approved by the department in which those credits are to be granted.