Earning Your High School Diploma - Massachusetts

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We all know that Massachusetts is home to some of the nation's oldest and most prestgious colleges, but did you know it was also home to the very first high school? Each year thousands upon thousands of students graduate with their diplomas, and a whopping 88 percent of adults have already earned theirs. Read this article to learn what it takes join the ranks of MA high school graduates!
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The nation's first secondary school, Boston Latin School, was founded in Massachusetts nearly 400 years ago - decades before the nation claimed its independence. The state's dedication to knowledge seems to carry on even today, as it spends more than $2,000 per student more than the national average and more than 80 percent of its adult population holds high school diplomas. So, you ask, what does it take to make the grade in the 'Bay State?'

According to the Massachusetts Department of Education, minimum graduation requirements vary from one district to the next. The general requirements are:

  • Four credits of English
  • Theee credits of math
  • Three credits of science
  • Three credits of history
  • Three credits of social science

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