Earning Your High School Diploma - Minnesota

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Swedes, Norwegians, Danes, Germans, French Canadians and Irish were among the first non-native settlers of Minnesota. Today, the state is still vastly diverse and thousands of high school graduates come from all walks of life each year. Read this article to find out what you need to do in order to graduate from high school in Minnesota.
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The state of Minnesota is leading national and local efforts to improve the high school experience by providing a more challenging curriculum and establish more significant relationships with students. This is the goal of the Minnesota Department of Education High School Initiative. State challenge grants have been awarded to ten public high schools. These grants will help develop or implement new programs that promote the improvement of academic achievement and successful transition from secondary to post-secondary education.

According to the Minnesota Department of Education, children.state.mn.us, each student must complete the following requirements in order to receive a diploma:

  • Four credits of language arts (pass Written Composition in ninth grade and pass MCA-II Reading in tenth grade)
  • Three credits of mathematics (credits must encompass algebra, geometry, statistics and probability; students must also pass the MCA-II Mathematics in 11th grade)
  • One credit of arts
  • Three credits of science (including one credit in biology)
  • Three credits of social studies credits (must encompass U.S. history, geography, world history, economics, and government and citizenship
  • 0.5 credit of economics

The following requirements are under local school district discretion. Check with local school districts for more details about health and physical education, vocational and technical education, world languages and English language.