Earning Your High School Diploma - North Dakota

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High school students living in North Dakota are being challenged, in a positive way, to make a difference in their future. New programs and a quality curriculum that are in effect will help students get the most out of their education. This article will list the requirements for earning a high school diploma.
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North Dakota has consistently performed well in preparing students for higher education after high school. However, the state has lost some ground in providing students with affordable higher education - this may undermine efforts to send a clear message about the importance of being academically prepared for college. On a more positive note, about three-quarters of high school students are taught by highly qualified teachers, a measure which compares well with top states.

According to the North Dakota Department of Education, www.dpi.state.nd.us, in order to earn your high school diploma in North Dakota, you must successfully complete the following coursework:

  • English (3 credits comprised of English 9, 10, and 11)
  • Senior Composition (0.5 credits)
  • Senior Literature (0.5 credits)
  • Speech (0.5 credits)
  • Physical Education (1.5 credits)
  • Health Education (0.5 credits)
  • Science (2 credits comprised of Physical Science and Biology)
  • Mathematics (2 credits comprised of Algebra I and other Math course)
  • Global Education (1 credit)
  • U.S. History (1 credit)
  • Government (0.5 credit)
  • Economics (0.5 credit)
  • Approved Electives (7.5 credits).