Earning Your High School Diploma - Ohio

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The future looks bright for Ohio's educational system. More high school students are graduating and there is an increase in the number of students taking Advanced Placement (AP) courses. Do you have what it takes to get your diploma? Read on and find out.
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Things are definitely looking up with regards to Ohio's educational system. According to the National Education Association, www.nea.org, Ohio students are scoring higher and higher on their SATs. The number of Verbal SAT high scores has increased 25% since 1994; the number of Math SAT high scores has increased 49% in that time. (High scores are defined as those of 600 or above). In the 2000-2001 school year, the state of Ohio spent some $8,403 on each student's education, which compares favorably to the national average at the time of $7,898 per student. The average number of students per teacher was 15, and the national norm was 15.9 students.

According to the Ohio Department of Education, www.ode.state.oh.us, the following core curriculum is required of every graduating high school student:

  • 4 units English and/or language arts
  • 1/2 unit Health Education
  • 3 units Math
  • 1/2 unit Physical Education
  • 3 units Science (1 unit biology and 1 unit physical sciences must be included)
  • 3 units Social Studies (1/2 unit US history and 1/2 unit US government required)
  • 6 units approved Electives (must include 1 unit or 2 1/2 units Business and Technology, Fine Arts, or Foreign language).

Ohio students must meet testing requirements as well as curriculum requirements in order to earn a diploma. The OGT (Ohio Graduation Test) must be taken and passed if a student is to graduate. Advanced Placement (AP) courses are also recommended, and the number of Ohio public schools offering AP courses has increased 22% since 1996.