Educational Institutions Offering Free Foreign Language Instruction Online

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Educational institutions offering free online language courses include Utah State University and Carnegie Mellon University. Courses include French, German, Japanese and Spanish, and most course materials can be downloaded online.
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Free Foreign Language Classes

Free foreign language classes are available from myriad websites and universities. Students can study different languages simply with an internet connection and a laptop or home computer.

Spanish Programs

This website offers a free online course in basic Spanish concepts and comprehension. The program makes available nearly 500 lessons. Topics include greetings, grammar, and verbs. Students can take quizzes to assess what they have learned.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT offers students the chance to learn about various foreign languages for free. Students can choose from languages like French, German, Chinese, and Japanese. The Japanese course has online resources with six lessons of practice materials. Study materials for the German course include 15 weeks of PDF files of handouts and classroom activities.

Open University

Open University provides a plethora of resources for students looking to study Spanish. Included are grammar tutorials, Spanish dictionaries, Spanish study aids, and online Spanish lessons. The advanced German course is designed for students who already know the language to increase their German speaking skills.

Carnegie Mellon University

This university offers two elementary French courses for interested students. Topics covered include origins, age, personality, my family, my neighborhood, modes of transport, and political opinions. Required materials for the courses will be chat and videoconferencing software.

This website offers online lessons in German for students looking to learn the language. Lessons will cover topics such as pronoun usage, verbs, adjectives, numbers, and nouns. Quizzes will help assess your knowledge.

Utah State University

Utah State University offers language language courses online for free in Chinese and Latin. For the Chinese course, students can access PDFs of worksheets and video lectures. In the Latin course, students will be able to browse a multitude of lessons on the subject, based on the textbook An Introduction to Latin, Based on Ancient Authors 3rd Edition. Lessons will cover things like nouns and adjectives, prepositions, and verbs.

Free Online Foreign Language Courses At a Glance

Course & School Program Level Format Assignments Quizzes & Exams Downloadable
Basic Spanish course from Beginner Online lessons Yes Yes Yes
Spanish I course from MIT Undergraduate/graduate Texts/in-class activities Yes Yes Yes
French I course from MIT Undergraduate/graduate Textbooks Yes Yes Yes
German I course from MIT Undergraduate Texts/projects/study materials Yes Yes Yes
Chinese I course from MIT Undergraduate Textbooks/reports Yes Yes Yes
Japanese I course from MIT Undergraduate/graduate Texts/online lessons Yes Yes Yes
Spanish resources from Open University Beginner-advanced Online resources/lessons/tutorials Yes Yes Yes
German course from Open University Advanced Text Yes No Yes
Elementary French I course from Carnegie Mellon University Beginner Online lessons Yes Yes Yes
Elementary French II course from Carnegie Mellon University Beginner Online lessons Yes Yes Yes
German for Beginners course from Beginner Online lessons Yes Yes Yes
First Year Chinese II course from Utah State University Unspecified Texts/video lectures Yes No Yes
Beginning Latin course from Utah State University Unspecified Online lessons Yes No Yes

Popular Schools

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    1. Grand Canyon University

    Program Options

      • M.A. in Communication with an Emphasis in Education
      • M.A. in Communication with an Emphasis in Education
      • Bachelor: Communications
      • Bachelor: Communications
  • Online Programs Available
    2. UMass Global

    Program Options

      • BA in Communications & Media
      • BA in Communications & Media
  • Online Programs Available
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    Program Options

      • Master of Communications
      • Master of Communications
  • Stanford, CA

    Stanford University

  • Online Programs Available
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    Program Options

      • MA: Composition
      • MAT: Spanish Education P-12 (36 Hours)
      • MAT: Spanish Education P-12 (45 Hours)
      • MA: Communication
      • MA: Strategic Communication: Corporate Communication
      • MA: Strategic Communication: Crisis Communication
  • Online Programs Available
    6. Purdue Global

    Program Options

      • BS in Communication - Business Fundamentals
      • BS in Communication - Digital Communication
  • University of Maryland Global Campus

  • Cambridge, MA

    Harvard University

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Grand Canyon University

  • M.A. in Communication with an Emphasis in Education
  • Bachelor: Communications

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UMass Global

  • BA in Communications & Media

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Wake Forest University - School of Professional Studies

  • Master of Communications

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Liberty University

  • MA: Composition
  • MAT: Spanish Education P-12 (36 Hours)
  • MAT: Spanish Education P-12 (45 Hours)

What is your highest level of education?

Purdue Global

  • BS in Communication - Business Fundamentals
  • BS in Communication - Digital Communication

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University of Maryland Global Campus