Electronic Service Technician: Career Diploma Description

About this article
Your Electronic Service Technician Diploma will allow you to work as an electronic systems installer or repair technician in the telecommunications, medical, computer, or consumer electronics industry. In order to earn such a diploma, you will study subjects such as AC and DC circuits, semiconductor fundamentals, and business automation. Read the following article to find out more.
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Why earn an Electronic Service Technician diploma?

Electronics service technicians are important members of today's technologically-driven society. When your gadgets and gizmos don't go, who do you call? If you'd like to be the go-to person when things go wrong, you can earn an electronic service technician diploma at a technical institute or community college.

Career possibilities

You could work as a technician in the fields of medical or communications electronic engineering, or perhaps you would enjoy working as a sales rep in either of those fields or in the area of consumer electronics.

Occupational outlook

Employment in the electronics repair industry is anticipated to increase 8% by the year 2014 (data from the 2006 Occupational Outlook Handbook, www.BLS.gov). Additional openings will occur when currently employed technicians retire or leave the field to pursue other occupations.

Salary information

Electronics as a field tends to be a pretty well-paid one, as those specialized skills you've learned don't come cheap! As an electronics repair technician, you should be able to command a salary in the range of $20 an hour (as reported in the 2006 Occupational Outlook Handbook salary survey data, www.BLS.gov).

Coursework requirements

  • Computer Science
  • Business Automation
  • AC Circuits
  • DC Circuits
  • A+
  • Semiconductor Fundamentals

Skills you will learn

In a short time (most programs last no more than 3 semesters or 18 months) you learn the necessary skills to find work as a computer maintenance technician, installing, upgrading, and repairing computer hardware.

Popular Schools

  • Online Programs Available
    1. Purdue Global

    Program Options

      • Professional Focus + Google IT Support Certificate
      • Professional Focus + Google IT Support Certificate
  • Online Programs Available
    2. Penn Foster

    Program Options

      • Career Diploma - Residential Electrician
      • Career Diploma - Residential Electrician
  • Warwick, RI

    New England Institute of Technology

  • Pulaski, PA

    New Castle School of Trades

  • Anchorage, AK

    University of Alaska

  • Prescott, AZ

    Yavapai College

  • Valdosta, GA

    Wiregrass Georgia Technical College

  • Chula Vista, CA

    Southwestern College

Featured Schools

Purdue Global

  • Professional Focus + Google IT Support Certificate

Which subject are you interested in?

Penn Foster

  • Career Diploma - Residential Electrician

What is your highest level of education?

Yavapai College

Wiregrass Georgia Technical College

Southwestern College