Film and Video Production: Career Diploma Summary

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Students who earn a Film and Video Production Diploma will have the skills to produce material for film and video. Here are a few careers a person can enter with this degree: film director, television director, movie producer, film editor and tape editor. Some of the classes involved in earning this degree are as follows: film history, film theory, television history and theory, media law and film direction. For further information about this degree please read on.
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Why Earn a Degree in Film and Video Production?

For those interested in entering the field of Film and Video Production, earning a diploma can train them to hit the ground running and perhaps earn higher salaries than those in this field without degrees. The field of Film and Video Production requires very specialized and technical knowledge to direct actors, edit film and assemble a film or video for use in various forms of media. This degree allows the student to enter a number of career fields including the advertising arena. Film and video is utilized in advertising to create commercials as well as promotional films and videos.

Career Possibilities

Film and Video Production Occupational Outlook

Learning how to process film and operate film equipment can prepare the student to enter a number of exciting careers. Film and video specialists are needed in a variety of areas. Here is a list of potential careers a graduate with a Film and Video Production Diploma may consider: film director, video director, television producer, film editor, film lab technician and video editor. Job growth in the field of video and the production of motion pictures is anticipated to be around 17% for the industry as a whole from 2004 to 2014 (BLS).

Film and Video Production Salary Information

The website,, indicates that film and video directors can earn between $17,529 and $40,229 per year as a base salary. Film and videotape editors can earn between $$22,412 and $39,766 per year. Those who process the film in film laboratories can earn between $15,295 and $34,359 per year.

Degree Specifics

Coursework for a Film and Video Production Diploma Program

The classes a student must complete to earn this diploma will teach the student how to use film and video equipment. The classes a student must pass in order to earn this diploma are:

  • Film Development
  • Scriptwriting
  • Film Processing
  • Film and Video Directing
  • Working with Actors
  • Digital Imaging
  • Digital Image Manipulation
  • Film and Video Equipment
  • Computer Animation

Skills Learned for a Film and Video Production Diploma Program

Students who graduate with this diploma will have the skills needed to work with film and video for a variety of purposes. These skills are as follows:

  • Film and Video Development
  • Directing Skills
  • Film and Video Editing
  • Film and Video Processing
  • Digital Image Manipulation
  • Film and Video Equipment Handling
  • Computer Animation.

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