Free Online Courses for High School Students

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Courses for high school students are available at schools like the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Capital Community College. Some websites also offer the opportunity for high school students to learn online for free.
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Free High School Courses

Free high school courses will cover a variety of subjects, like math, biology, grammar, and physics. Courses are available from the following schools and websites.

This website offers free math courses on the fundamentals of algebra and geometry. Students can access online video tutorials on topics such as fractional exponents, absolute value equations, and angles.

This website hosts a free online course on geometry. Online lessons with slides will cover topics like points, lines, and rays.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT offers courses recommended for high school students. Subject areas include math, biology, and physics. Courses will cover such things as the predicates of sets, binary relations, the fundamentals of biology, introduction to bioengineering, introduction to astronomy, introduction to special relativity, and labs on electricity and magnetism and earth science.

Open University

Open University offers courses on Darwin and learning, at the beginner's level. These courses will cover topics like evolution, mammals, and exploring ways of learning through assessment.

Capital Community College

This college offers free online lessons on grammar and writing. Topics include words and sentences, paragraphs, essays and research papers, and PowerPoint presentations.

Free Online Courses for High School Students At a Glance

Course & School Program Level Format Assignments Quizzes & Exams Downloadable
Introductory Algebra course from Unspecified Online lessons/video tutorials Yes Yes Yes
Algebra I course from Unspecified Online lessons/video tutorials Yes Yes Yes
Geometry course from Unspecified Online lessons/video tutorials Yes Yes Yes
Free Geometry Online Course from Unspecified Online lessons/slides Yes No Yes
Mathematics for Computer Science course from MIT Undergraduate Texts/lecture notes/external reading resources Yes Yes Yes
AP Biology courses from MIT High school/undergraduate Textbooks/lecture notes/lecture slides/study materials/videos/video lectures Yes Yes Yes
AP Physics courses from MIT High school/undergraduate Texts/study materials/image galleries/lecture notes/textbooks/projects/labs Yes Yes Yes
Studying Darwin course from Open University Beginner Text Yes No Yes
Learning How to Learn course from Open University Beginner Text Yes No Yes
Guide to Grammar & Writing online lessons from Capital Community College Unspecified Online lessons Yes Yes Yes

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The schools and programs listed below are popular educational options, and tuition varies based on program and location