Free Online Earth Science Courses from Top Universities

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There are a variety of online earth science courses offered free by top universities, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Open University. These classes provide students with knowledge of topics such as geological processes that take place on the earth's surface.
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Free Earth Science Courses

Two top universities offer free online earth science classes at the undergraduate level. These courses address concepts in areas like soil science, geology and ecology.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

The OpenCourseWare system from MIT lets students select from a range of free environmental science courses. Students can select a class that teaches on processes that are active on the earth's surface, which includes erosion, glaciers, precipitation and groundwater flow. They also have the opportunity to investigate how the earth's environment is changed and controlled by geological processes and examine the role science plays in environmental policy. A class that covers how GPS works touches on the difficulties that exist between military planners and civilian users.

Open University

Students who sign up with OpenLearn have access to an introductory course that provides instruction on rock types, textual differences, fossils, ecology, seaweeds and quantitative data collection.

Free Online Earth Science Courses at a Glance

Course & School Program Level Format Assignments Quizzes & Exams Downloadable
The Environment of the Earth's Surface course from Massachusetts Institute of Technology Undergraduate Text No Yes Yes
Strange Bedfellows: Science and Environmental Policy course from Massachusetts Institute of Technology Undergraduate Text Yes No Yes
Environmental Earth Science course from Massachusetts Institute of Technology Undergraduate Text Yes No Yes
GPS: Civilian Tool or Military Weapons course from Massachusetts Institute of Technology Undergraduate Text No No Yes
Practicing Science: Reading the Rocks & Ecology course from Open University Undergraduate Text No Yes Yes

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