Free Online Quantum Mechanics Courses from Top Universities

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Free online quantum mechanics courses are available at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Utah State University. Students will gain knowledge in quantum field theory and study the fundamentals of this physical science.
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Free Quantum Mechanics Courses

Quantum mechanics courses will cover topics like quantum theory and relativistic field theory. The free online courses in this area of study offered at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are held at the graduate level.

Utah State University

Utah State University offers a free online course in quantum mechanics, from professor Charles G. Torre. The text for the course is entitled Quantum Mechanics, Revised Edition, by J. Sakurai. In the form of a PDF, lecture notes are available on topics including the quantum theory of spin, momentum, Ehrenfest's theorem, rotations in three dimensions, degenerate perturbation theorem, and the radiation field. Homework for the course is based on the aforementioned text.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Quantum mechanics students will be able to select from a diverse group of classes from MIT's OpenCourseWare. The first quantum theory course will assess students' knowledge via homework PDF files, in addition to lecture notes on fundamental concepts, angular momentum, perturbation theory, and more. Relativistic quantum field theory's first course has a required textbook, entitled An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory by Daniel V. Schroeder and Michael E. Peskin. Lecture notes for the course will cover things like the scalar field, path integrals, and generating functions.

Free Online Quantum Mechanics Courses At a Glance

Course & School Program Level Format Assignments Quizzes & Exams Downloadable
Quantum Mechanics course from Utah State University Undergraduate Text/lecture notes Yes No Yes
Quantum Theory I course from MIT Graduate Texts/lecture notes Yes No Yes
Relativistic Quantum Field Theory I course from MIT Graduate Textbook/lecture notes Yes No Yes
Many-Body Theory for Condensed Matter Systems course from MIT Graduate Texts/lecture notes Yes No Yes
Quantum Theory II course from MIT Graduate Texts/lecture notes Yes No Yes
Relativistic Quantum Field Theory II course from MIT Graduate Texts/lecture notes Yes No Yes
Relativistic Quantum Field Theory III course from MIT Graduate Texts/lecture notes/study materials Yes No Yes

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