Free Online Quantum Physics Courses from Top Universities

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Free courses in quantum physics are available online through the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, one of the top universities in the U.S. Individuals can select from several courses that provide instruction on statistical equations, principles and methods used in this field of study.
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Free Quantum Physics Courses

Individuals can sign up for both undergraduate and graduate online courses in quantum physics with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Classes explore concepts in areas like angular momentum and spin, wave properties, and statistical mechanics.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Through MIT's OpenCourseware, students can take a series of classes to gain knowledge of quantum physics and mechanics. Undergraduates can complete an intro to statistical mechanics course that teaches on thermodynamics and probability. Other undergrad courses allow participants to study wave mechanics by exploring Schrödinger's equation, and learn about wave functions, probability amplitudes and modern physics applications. Graduate courses delve into quantum mechanics concepts like uncertainty principles, matrix methods, perturbation theory, light's interaction with matter, relaxation, fluctuations and nonlinear spectroscopy

Free Online Online Quantum Physics Courses at a Glance

Course & School Program Level Format Assignments Quizzes & Exams Downloadable
Statistical Physics I course from Massachusetts Institute of Technology Undergraduate Text Yes Yes Yes
Introductory Quantum Mechanics I course from Massachusetts Institute of Technology Graduate Text Yes No Yes
Introductory Quantum Mechanics II course from Massachusetts Institute of Technology Graduate Text, Video Yes No Yes
Quantum Physics I course from Massachusetts Institute of Technology Undergraduate Text, Video Yes Yes Yes
Quantum Physics II course from Massachusetts Institute of Technology Undergraduate Text, Video Yes Yes Yes
Quantum Physics III course from Massachusetts Institute of Technology Undergraduate Text Yes No Yes

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