General Tips For Organizing Study Time and Tips Just Before the GED

About this article
The GED is composed of four different sections that require different types of studying. Still, there are some types of studying that benefit you regardless of the section of the exam. This article discusses general studying methods that help prepare you for the GED.
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Tips to Guide Your Study Sessions

When studying for the GED, follow the below guidelines from the Independent Learning Centre (ILC), These will maximize your studying time and minimize unnecessary steps in learning the material. The guidelines are as follows:

1. Use memorization for critical facts and information:

  • Associate the fact with something you already know
  • Make a mnemonic device (an acronym or jingle)
  • Whole learning
  • Recite and write

2. Repetition and review using:

  • Study cards
  • Topic cards
  • Lists
  • Notes in a web or diagram
  • Outlines

Tips for Test Readiness

Before the test even starts there are several steps you can take to help reduce your anxiety and encourage positive thinking. For example, simply getting a good night's rest is the best way to keep your mind focused. At the very least, eight hours should be your target sleep time for the night. Also make sure you get up on time. Nothing spells anxiety like being late and feeling rushed. Eat a balanced breakfast; foods high in sugar are not encouraged. Choose to layer some comfortable clothes, because you don't know how warm or cold the room will be at the testing center.

You should already know exactly where the testing center is and how long it will take to get there (perhaps do a test run and factor in traffic too.) Finally, after signing in at the testing center, make sure you have several minutes to find a quiet place where you can practice relaxation techniques. Visualize yourself passing the test and holding the GED certificate.