A very daunting task for many college bound students is selecting which college is right for them. There are many factors to consider when deciding upon a school, including academics, college and town size, and personal compatibility.
The first thing a student should think about is the academic programs that the school provides. Many colleges, universities and other schools may offer specialized programs in certain fields, so it may be worthwhile to do some research to find schools specializing in the field you are interested in. A school with a solid program in the field you are interested in may make you more marketable in your field. Schools with a prestigious reputation may attract well-known professors and other professionals in the field to their faculty.
College Size and Town Size
Another thing to consider when selecting a school is the size of the college and the town in which it is located. A small town will offer a strong feeling of community, which may be a comfort when leaving home for the first time. At a smaller school, a student may be able to meet more people and become better acquainted with his or her professors. On the other hand, a larger school may offer a more diverse population with a variety of activities available. Also, a larger city may offer more things to do. The size of the school and town in which you may reside may be a large factor in your decision about which school is right for you.
Personal and Social Compatibility
Lastly, you need to 'get a feel' for the school you are interested in. Remember, you may be living in this area and attending this school for four years or more. It is very important to feel like you belong; whether that means you like the people who attend this school, the clubs and activities seem like fun or the town is a place you could picture yourself spending time. So, when thinking about attending a particular school, go and visit the campus before committing. You may think that the academic program is good and the size of both school and town seem promising, but if you go to the campus and you do not like the vibe, then this school is definitely not right for you.