Microsoft Network Specialist: Career Diploma Description

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In a Microsoft network specialist diploma program, you will learn valuable skills that will serve you as a network administrator and computer support specialist. Typical coursework for this diploma includes classes in Microsoft network administration, computer software and hardware, and computer systems design. Read on to find out more.
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Why Get a Microsoft Network Specialist Diploma?

Because of the prevalence of Microsoft technology, anyone who wants to be a successful network administrator or network support specialist must be familiar with Microsoft technology. This diploma program will also prepare you for the Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) exam, an industry standard and a beneficial addition to any resume.

Job Opportunities

Those who graduate from this diploma program use their education towards a career as a network administrator, network support specialist, computer systems analyst, computer support specialist, or similar occupation.

Career Outlook

The Bureau of Labor Statistics ( predicts that the employment of computer support specialists, including network administrators and similar positions, will grow much faster than the national average, mirroring the growth of the information technology industry in general.

Salary Information

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual income for computer support specialists, including network administrators, was around $58,000 in 2004.

Diploma Specifics


Coursework for the Microsoft network specialist diploma typically includes the following classes:

  • Computer Hardware and Software
  • Intro to Computer Science
  • Microsoft Network Essentials
  • Microsoft Systems Design
  • Networking Concepts

Skills You Will Learn

While studying for this diploma, you will learn many skills that are essential to network administrators such as the installing and maintenance of networks, providing support to networks, tailoring networks to fit the needs of employers, network security, and network station dependability.

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