You have already made a big first step in deciding to get your high school diploma. Now it is time to do research on which school is right for you. Perhaps the toughest choice (besides actually studying for your classes) is choosing which online school to attend. You have two options open to you: private online schools and public online schools.
Private Online Schools
Private online schools are very similar to private schools in the traditional sense. They are not constrained by government education regulations. They create their own regulations and have learning philosophies, which vary greatly from school to school. While this may sound like the best bet for a good education, consider the following:
- They will be more expensive as you, the student, will be paying for everything
- They may not be accredited by an appropriate agency
As always, if you plan on attending a college or university after you acquire your diploma, consult with the school to see what their requirements are. offers the following list of private online schools but there are others:
- Brigham Young University
- CompuHigh
- Indiana University
Public Online Schools
Public online schools are many and varied. Simply type in the words 'online diploma' in a search engine and you will receive an exhaustive list of schools and information. recommends searching for public charter schools. The reason being that these schools, while being public schools (and thus publicly funded), have more freedom from government regulations. gives the following two examples of public charter schools:
- Blue Sky (Minnesota)
- Choice2000 (California)
Regardless of whether the school is a charter school, an online public high school, or a private online school, do your research. Make sure your school of choice is properly accredited. The same rule, as in the private online school section, applies here if you are planning to attend a college or university after you get your diploma: consult with individual schools and see what their requirements are.