Online Math and Statistics Classes Offered Free by Top Universities

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Online math and statistics courses are offered for free by various universities, including Open University, the University of Massachusetts at Boston, and Carnegie Mellon University. Course formats include video lectures, readings from math textbooks, and more, and cover topics such as numeric summaries, probabilities and basic calculus.
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Free Math and Statistics Courses

Courses on math and statistics will vary greatly by university. With these free online courses students will be able to study graphs, complex numbers, linear algebra, algebraic geometry, and calculus.

Open University

Open University offers math courses on graphs and complex numbers. Course topics include data, pie charts, and numerical summaries.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT offers math and statistics courses on algebra, algebraic geometry, quantum field theory, and more. Students will make the use of textbooks, PDFs, video lectures, and other study materials. Lectures will cover things like maximum likelihood estimators, irreducible components, and symplectic structure.

University of California, Berkeley

UC Berkeley offers students a mathematics course in the form of free video lectures on Youtube and iTunes. Lecture topics include the basics of counting, binomial coefficients, and conditional probability.

Harvard University

Harvard offers a 45-minute video lecture on solving cubic equations. Topics discussed, through image slides in tandem with the videos, include Pythagorean triples, quadratic equations, and rational solutions.

University of Massachusetts, Boston

A series of calculus courses are offered at this university. Textbooks for the courses include Calculus, 6th Edition, and Multivariable Calculus, 6th Edition, by James Stewart. Assignments will cover areas such as the tangent and velocity problems, continuity, the limit of a function, the chain rule, indeterminate form, and vectors.

Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University offers a statistical reasoning course, broken down into four units. Topics include data analysis and inference. Specific software is required for this course, including Java, Flash, and Microsoft Excel.

Free Online Math and Statistics Courses At a Glance

Course & School Program Level Format Assignments Quizzes & Exams Downloadable
Starting with Maths: Track 1 course from Open University Beginner Text Yes No Yes
Exploring Graphs and Numeric Summaries course from Open University Beginner Text Yes No Yes
Introduction to Complex Numbers course from Open University Advanced Text Yes No Yes
Algebra I course from MIT Undergraduate Textbook/study materials Yes Yes Yes
Algebra II course from MIT Undergraduate Textbook Yes Yes Yes
Linear Algebra course from MIT Undergraduate Text/study materials/tools/video lectures Yes Yes Yes
Algebraic Geometry course from MIT Graduate Textbook/lecture notes Yes Yes Yes
Topics in Geometry course from MIT Graduate Textbooks/lecture notes Yes No Yes
Geometry and Quantum Field Theory course from MIT Undergraduate Textbook/lecture notes Yes No Yes
Advanced Calculus for Engineers course from MIT Graduate Textbook/lecture notes Yes Yes Yes
Geometry Seminar course from MIT Undergraduate Textbooks/lecture notes/projects Yes No Yes
Introduction to Probability and Statistics course from MIT Undergraduate Texts/class slides/studio resources Yes Yes Yes
Statistics for Applications course from MIT Undergraduate Text/lecture notes Yes Yes Yes
Mathematics 10B course from UC Berkeley Unspecified Video lectures No No Yes
How to Solve Cubic Equations course from Harvard University Unspecified Video lectures/text and image slides No No No
Calculus I course from University of Massachusetts, Boston Unspecified Textbook/external reading resources Yes Yes Yes
Calculus II course from University of Massachusetts, Boston Unspecified Textbook/external reading resources Yes Yes Yes
Calculus III course from University of Massachusetts, Boston Unspecified Textbook Yes Yes Yes
Statistical Reasoning course from Carnegie Mellon University Unspecified Student tutor labs Yes No Yes

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    1. Grand Canyon University

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      • D.B.A. with an Emphasis in Data Analytics - Qualitative Research
      • D.B.A. with an Emphasis in Data Analytics - Quantitative Research
      • D.B.A. with an Emphasis in Management - Qualitative Research
      • D.B.A. with an Emphasis in Management - Quantitative Research
      • Bridge (D.B.A. with an Emphasis in Data Analytics - Qualitative)
      • Bridge (D.B.A. with an Emphasis in Data Analytics - Quantitative)
      • M.S. in Data Science
      • M.S. in Data Science (Bridge)
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      • MS in Cybersecurity Management - Data Analytics
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      • Data Analytics, B.S.
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      • MSTM - Data Science Management
  • San Francisco, CA

    Golden Gate University - Aspire

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      • MS: Applied Statistics
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Featured Schools

The schools and programs listed below are popular educational options, and tuition varies based on program and location

Grand Canyon University

  • D.B.A. with an Emphasis in Data Analytics - Qualitative Research
  • D.B.A. with an Emphasis in Data Analytics - Quantitative Research
  • M.S. in Data Science
  • M.S. in Data Science (Bridge)

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Purdue Global

  • MS in IT - Data Analytics
  • MS in Cybersecurity Management - Data Analytics

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Colorado Christian University

  • Data Analytics, B.S.

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National University

  • PhD-TIM - Data Science
  • MSTM - Data Science Management

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Golden Gate University - Aspire

UMass Global

  • MS in GIS & Data Analytics

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Liberty University

  • MS: Applied Statistics

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