Study Computer Application Management: Associate Degrees, Bachelors & Online

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What will you learn in a computer applications management degree program? Read about degree requirements, the pros and cons of an associate and bachelor's degree and potential careers.
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Computer Application Management: Degrees at a Glance

As an academic field computer application management involves the study of concepts such as network management, information analysis, data usage and recovery and more. You'll learn how to use particular hardware and software as you master the ways in which organizations are made more efficient by proper use of technology.

Degree candidates in either of these types of programs can expect to pursue career opportunities in a host of educational, corporate, non-profit and governmental settings. Depending on the degree, possible career titles could include executive technology assistant, telecommunications network manager, technical support specialist or computer management consultant. Career opportunities for most technology-based jobs are expected to remain strong from 2010-2020.

Associate Bachelor's
Who is this degree for? Individuals interested in entry-level administrative and technical jobs in a corporate or non-profit environment Those interested in leadership roles that utilize and explore technology in a business environment
Common Career Paths (with approximate mean annual salary) - Administrative assistant ($48,000)*
- Computer operator ($39,000)*
- Computer systems analyst ($82,000)
- Information security analyst ($82,000)*
Time to Completion Up to 2 years full-time 4 years full-time
Prerequisites High school diploma or GED High school diploma or GED
Online Availability Yes Yes

Source: *U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (May 2011 figures)

Associate Degree in Computer Application Management

A computer applications management associate degree program is a course of study designed to provide students with a general understanding of management principles along with technical skills in the applications of computers and other advanced technologies in modern business. This is a very versatile degree program that can lead to careers in business or in technical fields. Graduates are also able to continue their studies in a bachelor's degree program at a 4-year college or university.

Pros and Cons


  • Begin your career search after just 2 years of college
  • Upon graduating, you'll be eligible to continue your schooling in pursuit of a 4-year degree
  • These programs are offered at community colleges, which feature some of the most affordable tuition rates available


  • Will not qualify you for as many possible jobs as a bachelor's degree
  • The concepts and skills learned will be more narrowly focused than in a 4-year program
  • Certain entry-level positions, such as help desk technician, may require evening or weekend working hours

Courses and Requirements

The curriculum for this style of program usually utilizes both didactic instruction and hands-on lab courses to convey the relevant information. In the lab courses, you will master the latest in administrative technology, gaining a working understanding of both hardware and software. In the classroom you'll learn about administrative protocols and ethics. Listed below are some course titles you may encounter in your program.

  • Business accounting
  • Presentation software
  • Corporate ethics
  • Microsoft Office applications

Online Degree Options

Online associate degree programs in computer applications are available. These programs exist in several educational styles, including distance-learning and hybrid formats. Hybrid programs offer both online and classroom courses. Programs that are offered completely online are also available. Research your program thoroughly to make sure that the educational outcomes of the program match your vocational goals.

Getting Ahead with This Degree

As you journey toward the conclusion of your studies, it may be time to consider the advantages involved in pursuing voluntary certification in computer applications. Microsoft offers a range of Office certification programs. Obtaining these certifications involves completing a comprehensive exam that tests your levels of proficiency with the software. This certification can signal to potential employers that you have the skill set for which they are looking.

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Application Management

In this type of degree program you'll learn how computer systems work as you study how best to use these systems to achieve the specific goals of an organization. The curriculum is generally oriented more towards applications than a computer science program. In other words, while you'll study some design concepts, the emphasis of the program will be on how to best use the technology in question.

These programs exist under a range of program names including computer systems management, computer application management and information systems management. These programs are generally offered in the Bachelor of Science degree format.

Pros and Cons


  • Career opportunities in computing fields continue to expand as technology increases
  • By the time you're finished with your studies, you should be able to communicate effectively and efficiently across a range of group environments
  • Studying both management and computer topics might make you a more flexible job candidate in a competitive industry


  • Because computer applications evolve at a dizzying rate, you'll most likely be taking continuing education courses for the balance of your career
  • Depending on the career you have in mind, you may not need a bachelor's degree
  • Technology-based vocations can require irregular work hours

Courses and Requirements

The courses you're likely to take in this type of program are similar to those listed above in the associate degree section. While the curriculum explores the theoretical, it tends to emphasize the practical side of computer application management.

Key curriculum differences between the degree levels include depth and breadth. You will study concepts such as data analysis and systems management in a more in-depth fashion. Also, because this is a bachelor's degree program, you'll face more electives than you would in a 2-year program. These electives will allow you to study a broader range of concepts as you master a broader range of skills.

Online Degree Options

If you're thinking an online degree program might be just the thing for your busy life, you're in luck. Bachelor's degree programs in this type of academic field are available. When considering programs, be certain that the programs you're looking at are offered by accredited institutions.

Getting Ahead with This Degree

Most of the careers that this type of program prepares you for involve technology and efficient communication. With this in mind, you might want to think about the ways in which you could use technology to practice and sharpen your communication skills while you are pursuing your degree. Keep a personal blog, experiment with podcasts or share your ideas via social media. Like most skills, the more you write, the better you will become and the easier it will be to effectively communicate your thoughts, feelings and ideas on a range of subjects.

Popular Schools

  • Online Programs Available
    1. Purdue Global

    Program Options

      • AASBA in Business
      • Associate: Business Admin.
      • Associate of Applied Science in Small Group Management
      • Associate: Business Admin. - Office Mgmt
  • Youngwood, PA

    Westmoreland County Community College

  • Youngstown, OH

    Youngstown State University

  • Online Programs Available
    4. Keiser University

    Program Options

      • Associate of Arts - Accounting
  • Sioux City, IA

    Western Iowa Tech Community College

  • Pewaukee, WI

    Waukesha County Technical College

  • Sugar Grove, IL

    Waubonsee Community College

  • Tulsa, OK

    Tulsa Community College

  • Blue Ash, OH

    University of Cincinnati

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Purdue Global

  • AASBA in Business
  • Associate: Business Admin.
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Which subject are you interested in?

Westmoreland County Community College

Youngstown State University

Keiser University

  • Associate of Arts - Accounting

What is your highest level of education?

Western Iowa Tech Community College

Waukesha County Technical College

Waubonsee Community College

Tulsa Community College