Study Speech Pathology: Bachelor's Degree & Undergraduate Program Info

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Bachelor's degrees in speech pathology can lead to a career as an assistant to a speech and language therapist. Get the truth about the requirements, courses and online options, and find out what you can do with your degree.
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Speech Pathology: Bachelor's Degree at a Glance

Speech pathology entails the study of communication disorders involving cognition, speaking, hearing and language. The field is also known as 'speech-language pathology' and is usually paired up with audiology, which is the study of hearing issues and disorders. Speech-language pathologists, sometimes called 'speech therapists', are healthcare professionals who treat patients with communication problems, such as hearing impediments and issues with understanding language. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in most states a master's degree is the minimum level of education required to become licensed as a speech pathologist. Earning a bachelor's degree in speech pathology prepares you to work as an assistant to a speech language pathologist or to attend graduate school.

Who is this degree for? - Individuals interested in entry-level jobs in the field
- Individuals interested in attending graduate school to become licensed speech therapists
Common Career Paths (with approximate annual salary) - Speech-language pathology assistant (with 1-4 years of experience: $21,000-$57,000)*
Time to Completion 4 years, full-time
Common Graduation Requirements - Roughly 120 credits of coursework
- Thesis
- Internship/clinical practice
Prerequisites High school diploma
Online Availability Yes

Source: * (December 2012 salary range).

Bachelor's in Speech Pathology

Bachelor's degree programs in speech pathology are usually offered as a Bachelor of Science in Speech-Language Pathology or Communicative Disorders. Sometimes, these programs are combined with studies in audiology. Although graduating from one of these bachelor's degree programs is usually not enough to prepare you to work as a licensed speech pathologist, it may prepare you for entry-level jobs in the field or admission to a graduate program.

Pros and Cons


  • Speech pathologists are projected to have above average job growth during 2010-2020*
  • Pathologists may work in a variety of healthcare settings, including clinics and specialized schools, thereby providing for the opportunity to work in the setting most interesting to you
  • Programs prepare you for admission to a graduate program in speech-language pathology


  • In most states, a bachelor's degree is not enough to become a licensed speech-language pathologist*
  • Certification and membership with the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association requires possessing a master's degree
  • Working with children and the elderly, the main patient populations, may not be for everyone

Source: *U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Courses and Requirements

In addition to general education courses, the curriculum of a speech pathology program includes classes in physiology and anatomy, linguistics, audiology and cognitive science. Programs also typically contain an internship or clinical/practicum hours, thereby providing you with hands-on experience working in the field. Some of the courses you might take include:

  • Audiology
  • Sign language
  • Language disorders
  • Phonetics
  • Physiology of speech

Online Degree Options

Fully online speech pathology bachelor's degree programs are available, but they're rare because of the clinical components of most programs. However, hybrid programs that combine distance learning and on-campus classes are available. Individual online courses covering speech pathology topics are also available.

Stand Out With This Degree

To stand out with your degree, consider joining speech-language pathology student organizations. Such organizations may provide you with valuable networking and additional learning opportunities, such as seminars and conferences. Working to stay abreast of changes in the field by participating in the learning opportunities these organizations offer may impress employers.

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