What is the Format?
The GED is broken down into four areas: Language Arts, Social Studies; Science; and Mathematical Reasoning. Question types include multiple choice, fill in the blank, hot spot, drag and drop, and short and extended answer. Part I of the Mathematics section, a total of five questions, does not allow the use a calculator, but you may use a calculator (provided at the time of testing) for the 41 questions in Part II of the test.
How is the Exam Scored and What if I Fail?
Connecticut residents must get a score of 600 on all tests combined. The standard passing score for each test is 150 (a score of 170 or over is an Honors passing score). The test is not something that should be taken lightly. In 2013, nearly one-third of all test takers in Connecticut did not pass the exam.
If you don't pass your on your first try, you are able to retest after a two month waiting period. When you're eligible to reregister for the test, you will have to repeat the entire process - including the registration fee. Connecticut has a discounted re-take program.
Who is Eligible?
To be eligible to take the Connecticut GED:
- You must be at least 19 years old
- You must not be currently attending high school
If you are 17-18 years old, you will need to provide documentation to the testing center where you take the GED that proves you have withdrawn from high school for six months or more. If you are 18, you must show that the class you entered ninth grade with (or would have entered ninth grade with) has already graduated.
Those 17 years of age must have a withdrawal form signed by a parent or guardian and a guidance counselor's or school administrator's attestation. If you have been home schooled and want to take the GED, access the state education department's Web site for a phone number to contact in order to get an attestation form.
How do I Register for the GED and how Much Does it Cost?
To register for the Connecticut GED, you will need to do the following things:
- Fill out an application at any adult education office or official GED registration site
- Bring current government-issued ID as proof of your identity
- Bring a payment for the registration fee if you are not a veteran or under 21 years of age
How do I Prepare?
There are two main ways to prepare for the GED exam: independently or take preparation class. Either way you choose, some preparation is better than no preparation. If you choose to study independently, check out your local library and review their GED study materials. Otherwise, check online for GED study sites or booklets.
If you prefer to enroll in a preparation class, as a Connecticut resident you are offered free preparation classes. If you need information regarding GED preparation classes, you should contact the GED Office.