The North Dakota GED

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If you are a North Dakota resident looking to obtain your GED, you have made an important first step in securing a better future for yourself. This article answers many questions you may have about the ND GED.
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What is the Format?

You are tested on four subject areas in the GED exam:

  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Mathematical Reasoning
  • Reasoning through Language Arts

The exam consists of multiple-choice questions, reading tasks, short answer, and extended response questions. On the mathematics exam, you will only be allowed to use a calculator for the one part of the subtest. In total, the GED exam takes about seven and a half hours to complete.

How is the Exam Scored and What if I Don't Pass?

To pass the GED exam, you need a minimum score of 150 on each of the four subject area tests.

If you do not pass, North Dakota requires you to wait 3 days before retaking the exam. Should you fail a second time, another 3-day waiting period is applied. After three attempts at the GED, there is a 60-day waiting period.

Who is Eligible?

In North Dakota, the only eligibility restriction is that test-takers must be at least 16 years of age.

How do I Register and What Does it Cost?

Registration for the exam is completed online at In North Dakota, the fee is $30 for each of the four subject area tests.

How do I Prepare?

North Dakota provides free preparation classes at adult education centers throughout the state. The following link provides a listing of the adult education centers that offer this free preparation service:

Of course, you can always prepare for the GED independently. There are several methods of doing so: visit your local library and use their study materials, purchase study materials at your local bookstore or online, or find free practice tests and lesson guides on the Internet. The GED Testing Service offers an online Marketplace with a variety of test preparation material (