Top Audio and Video Educational Resources for Lifelong Learning
Lifelong learning is possible for everyone thanks to the many free audio and video resources located around the web. Here is a list of some of the best audio and video education that can be found online.
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Audio Educational Resources
Free Audio Books
Librivox - Thousands of audio recordings of books in the public domain
Learn Out Loud - More than 500 free audio books, lectures and speeches
The Spoken Alexandria Project - Hundreds of classic, modern works and books in the public domain in audio form and ready for download
Free Classic Audio Books - Nearly 50 free classic audio books ready to download to your ipod or mp3 player
University Podcasts
Yale Netcasts - Podcasts on a wide range of topics from Yale's many schools
Knowledge at Wharton - Huge collection of news and lecture podcasts from the University of Pennsylvania
Stanford University - Faculty lectures, interviews and other podcasts from Stanford available through iTunes
HBR IdeaCast - Harvard Business School's podcast features commentary and ideas from leaders in business and management
Other Education Podcasts
NOVA Podcasts - Four different audio and video podcasts from NOVA
NPR Podcast Directory - Educational podcasts on hot topics from National Public Radio
The Education Podcast Network - Podcast programming from educators around the world
Podcast Alley - Education podcasts from various sources
Podfeed Education podcasts for everyone, from preschoolers to PHDs
Video Educational Resources
General Education Videos
Discovery Education Streaming Video - 30-day free trial gives you access to nearly 10,000 full length education videos segmented into 77,000 content-specific clips
Discovery Channel Video - Watch full episodes and clips of Mythbusters, Survivorman and other Discovery Channel televisions shows and specials Video - (part of The New York Times Company) has an entire library of educational and how to videos in a wide range of categories, including food, health, home and garden, computers, parenting, travel, business and sports
Moving Image Archive - More than 80,000 free videos and films covering a very wide range of topics, including news and public affairs, technology, art, history and science
Free Science Education Videos
National Geographic Videos - Science videos in a wide range of categories, including news, animals, politics, space, and people and places