Where to Find Help With Your Math Homework

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Math can be a tricky subject for many students. It's important to get some help with your math homework as soon as it's needed to avoid falling even further behind in future lessons, which often build upon the previous ones.
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Where to Find Help With Your Math Homework

Math can be among the most difficult subjects for any high school student, particularly as concepts become more abstract. Students shouldn't feel discouraged because math is a difficult subject. For some students, it simply takes a little more effort to understand the concepts and feel comfortable with them. It is best to tackle these issues immediately as courses become increasingly difficult from one year to the next. Here are some ideas for you to consider:

Teachers and Parents

Teachers and parents are an excellent resource for help. If you get along well with your teacher, consider asking him or her if there's any time during the day that could be spent going over some of the material in more detail. Many teachers are willing to provide this extra help.

If your teacher can't make time to help you, however, consider asking your parents. Sometimes it's hard to ask parents for help because they probably haven't done high school math since they were your age and some skills are easy to forget. Try working on a few problems together. It's best to start out with any problems that may have answers provided in the back of the book, so you can check and make sure you're both on the right track.

Peer Study Groups

It's often easier to work with your friends than with parents or teachers. Peer study groups are another studying strategy to consider. When thinking about a study group, try to find people with variety of levels of understanding.

Working with a friend who is great at math can help you as well as your friend. Your friend can learn even more about problems while explaining to you because he or she also needs to figure out how to help you understand it. When listening to your friend, try to be respectful and considerate-he or she is taking the time to help you.

Make sure the friends you choose are committed to studying because your parents may not let you continue studying together if there's no improvement in your grades.


There are a wide variety of tutoring resources that are available to students. Your parents could hire a private tutor, for instance, who comes to your home and tutors you one-on-one. This tutor may be a college student, a grad student or a professional educator. If you can't afford this solution or would prefer working with more than one person, your parents could enroll you in a tutoring center where you could be placed into a group of students in the same math level who all work with the same tutor. There are also online tutoring sources that allow students to participate in forums or email tutors.

Online Resources

As mentioned earlier, one form of online help involves online tutoring websites. Other online resources involve sites that have directories or other type of posted information. Often, these websites answer general questions about math subjects. Few of these websites allow students to email professionals who have posted the information, but they do exist. These explanations involve visuals as well as written instructions.

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