First and foremost, let me say that getting a high school diploma from a traditional high school is no guarantee that you'll be accepted into your college of choice. With that said, online diploma seekers from accredited schools have the same chances, as do traditional diploma graduates, in terms of getting into college.
The key here is proper accreditation. If the online school isn't accredited, colleges can reject the diploma or require you to prove your knowledge in another way such as by standardized testing. You need to be very aware of accreditation. Don't fall for the 'diploma mills' online degree. 'Diploma mills' are 'schools' that offer a diploma that is essentially worthless because it has no backing from a proper accreditation agency.
One important thing to keep in mind if you are an online diploma seeker considering a postsecondary education is to check with the colleges you want to apply to. You should see what their requirements are before you pay any tuition.
For more information on fraudulent 'diploma mills' schools and accreditation, see the articles titled Fraudulent Online Schools: Some Warning Signs and Online High School Accreditation in LearningPath.