CUNY Hunter College

CUNY Hunter College Admissions and School Information

Part of the City University of New York (CUNY) system, Hunter College is a 4-year, public university located in downtown Manhattan. Students can pursue bachelor's and master's degrees in more than 170 fields of study.

General Information about CUNY Hunter College

Founded in 1870, CUNY Hunter College is one of the oldest colleges in the country and the largest member of the CUNY system, with 21,000 students enrolled in its programs each year. Hunter College is comprised of five colleges and is slated to open a Ph.D.-granting School of Public Health within the next several years.

CUNY Hunter College also hosts several academic research centers in areas including genetics, Puerto Rican studies and aging. For students interested in non-degree studies or personal enrichment, the college's continuing education department offers classes in dance, visual arts, interior and graphic design, real estate, paralegal studies, foreign language, finance and standardized test preparation.

Admission and Enrollment Information for CUNY Hunter College

CUNY Hunter College encourages students to contact a pre-admissions advisor to discuss personal academic goals prior to submitting an application. Prospective freshmen must submit copies of their high school transcript or GED equivalency test scores. While not mandatory, CUNY Hunter College recommends incoming freshman have completed the equivalent of 4 years each of English and social studies, 3 years of math and 2 years each of foreign language and laboratory science.

Academic Schools at CUNY Hunter College

School of Arts and Sciences

Hunter College's largest academic division is the School of Arts and Sciences. The school offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in anthropology, biological sciences, computer sciences, urban affairs and planning, classical and oriental studies, film studies, geography and philosophy.

School of Education

Hunter College's School of Education offers two undergraduate teacher training programs, one for students interested in elementary education and another for middle and high school education students. The School of Education's graduate studies are more wide-ranging, including more than 20 distinct programs in fields like administration and supervision, special education, music, childhood literacy, counseling and bilingual education.

Schools of the Health Professions

Two distinct but related schools are organized under CUNY Hunter College's Schools of the Health Professions. The Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing offers undergraduate registered nurse training and 9 master's nursing programs for nurse practitioners and clinical nurse leaders. The School of Health Sciences offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in physical therapy, urban public health, community health education and health nutrition.

School of Social Work

All degree programs offered through Hunter College's School of Social Work are at the graduate level. Students can choose from options including a Master of Social Work, post-master's programs in advanced clinical social work, social work administration and adoption therapy, or a Ph.D. program in social welfare.

Contact Information

  • Address: 695 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10065
  • Phone Number: (212) 772-4000